Chef’s motto is Family First 廚師的座右銘: 家庭第一
HONESDALE- Chin Peng Lin loves his family. CP愛他的家庭
Chef at the China Castle , Main Street . Honesdale, Chin Peng came to America from his native Taiwan five years ago, to be with his family.大廚師在中國城Main街上的Honesdale,CP出生在台灣,5年前跟家人來美國。
“Family first,” says the 42 year-old with a jovial smile Though he speaks very little English. These words are strong and true.”家庭第一” 42歲的CP愉快微笑的說著。雖然他只會說一點點的英文,卻是強而有力最真的話語。
His sister Diana, hostess at the China Castle , translates during the interview, re-phrasing questions in their native Mandarin. Chin Peng waits patiently for the question to be translated, before replying in Mandarin. He has been cooking since he was 14 or 15 years-old. Their father co-owned a restaurant in Taiwan , called the “Steak house.” That’s where he learned his craft- from family, as well as on his own.他的姐黛安娜是餐館老板娘在採訪時翻譯用北京話再次描述。CP對問題的翻譯很有耐心等待,然後用北京話回答。他當廚師有14-15年的經驗。他們的父親在台灣有自己餐館叫做牛排館。他在自家牛排館不但學習廚藝,而且擁有一身的好廚藝。
Cooking there was much different than here, he said. “In America , they have everything prepared first-before the customer walks in. So, is you take an order, (you) can serve it quicker,” says Diana, translating her brother’s response. “In Taiwan, you wait because you don’t know what they’ll order.”之前跟現在的煮法相當不同。在美國首先在顧客來之前所有的東西要有充分的準備,當客人點餐後要能迅速上菜。黛安娜幫CP翻譯回答。 在台灣你要等待,因為你不知道他們將要點些什麼。
Chin Peng says the language barrier makes things difficult. “(It’s) hard not to speak English. Learning second languages is not that easy, “he said.” But you need to push yourself to learn anyway. CP說語言障礙造成事務上的困難。"(它是) 很難不去講英語。CP說學會第二種語言不是那容易,但您必須無論如何想辦法讓自己學會。
Sweat and Sour Pork chop 糖醋豬排
l 2 pork chops 2塊豬排
l Half of a white onion 半顆洋蔥
l Ketchup (about 5 soup spoons) 番茄醬 (大約5湯匙)
l Sugar (about 3soup spoons) 糖 (大約3湯匙)
l 1/ 2 a teaspoon of soy sauce 醬油1/2茶匙
l 1/ 2 a soup spoon of corn starch 太白粉1/2湯匙
Cut each pork chop into in a bowl with the corn mix, let is sit for 10minutes. Put pork chop pieces into a pan with enough oil to cover the meat, and cool it through. In separate pan. stir fry the chopped onion in cooking oil for about three minutes on high heat (can use bitter if you’d prefer). Now add the pork chop pieces to the skillet with the onions and add the ketchup, the sugar, and two tablespoons of water. Now cover and cook on medium heat for a minute.
豬排放在碗裏用玉米粉混合,醃製10minutes 。平底鍋放入以足夠的油蓋過肉。平底鍋裡攪動油炸物被切的蔥在烹調用油裡大約三分鐘在高熱 (如果您喜歡的話可以加點酸味) 。現在增加豬排skillet 用蔥和加番茄醬、糖, 和二大湯匙水。現在加蓋子用中火煮一分鐘。
Says his sister. Diana has been in the states for 22 or 23 years and is glad to have her brother here Chin peng and Diana have two more brothers. Their mom is also herein the United states , but does not work at the restaurant. Diana says that she is happy that their family is together. Chin peng agrees, “family first...happy
By 11 March 2008 按翻譯機級數進步到最高級的海潮